Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My introduction

So welcome everyone to my newly-made blog! Never did one before, so figured I'd do it with something that I love to do- help people get fit, and maintaining that level of fitness later on in life! What better way to explain what brought me to this point than to start from the beginning. I started at the age of 14 when for my last birthday present was a Weider bench with assorted weights. I was a fat young lad, with low self-esteem and acne breakouts worse than what the teenage mutant ninja turtles would have had if they were actually human. Now some people would think "His parents were basically telling him he was fat with that birthday present!" and you'd probably be right. But it was because of it that I realized I needed to change what I did with my life. That without lifting those weights, I wouldn't amount to much in life and be depressed possibly the rest of my life. A strange thought for a kid, I know, but it worked. I lost most of my fat and had a strong 6-pack within the next school year. It felt great! People actually came up and talked to me for more than just needing answers! So I decided to start lifting heavier weights, to get bigger. You kind of know how the rest of the story goes. Along the way though, I always remembered to teach onto others what I've been taught. I like to help others to become as successful as I have been with it. Fitness has been good to me, and I want to be good to it as well, so what better way to be good to it then spread the knowledge of it to everyone who will listen? There's nothing that pleases me more than to see someone reach their goals and appreciate all the hard work they put into it. SO, with all that said, I will be posting random tips and pointers and some of what I do to either help motivate or inform people that are interested in becoming either fit, or possibly a bodybuilder, or whatever!

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