Helping moderate a guys website, I come across a lot of guys that feel the need to supplement when they weigh 140 pounds. That's great and all, but I never really started supplementing when I started to weigh 180-190. The reason for this is when you weigh 140 pounds or even 160, the recommended amount of protein to eat per day is 1 to 1.5g protein per pound of body weight. Doing some quick math, that's 190 mg MAX for a 140 lb. guy, while that's my minimum for my current weight. I never did the 1.5g/lb. since I had good results with even just 1g/lb. I steadily gained 15 pounds a year (MOST was muscle since my fat percentage increased only slightly to 14%), and all I did was eat all natural sources of protein. The reason I stress using supplementation later when you actually need it, is because when you take too much protein, you pretty much waste it by passing it via Urea (nitrogen in the urine), and farting quite offensive smells.
I did try supps when I was at 140, but found what I said to be the case, and ended up just not taking it until recently when I actually need it. Supplements should be just that- supplements. They are meant to help when you NEED them, not when you WANT them. Of course everyone's needs are different so if you feel like you need them, buy a 2.5 lb. tub which SHOULD last you a month, and see if you progress. I'm only trying to save you money guys, since it's hard to come by these days for most of us!
Now on to FAT BURNERS. I'm not extremely well educated on these, since I never took them, to be honest. All I know, is when something messes with your metabolism or your thyroid, nothing good comes out of it! Most the people I DO know that have used them would see progress, then once they stopped, gained the weight right back with extra! I thought the whole point was to lose it and keep it off? That's why every time someone mentions fat burners to me, I just laugh and say they'd have better luck keeping a solid meal plan which is easy to keep up with and having an exercise routine to expend more calories than what you're consuming. Now these are only my experiences with fat burners, if you don't agree, then by all means go ahead and use it. Just know there are consequences for everything you do, and fat burners do a lot more damage than just doing what you should do in life, BE ACTIVE!
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